Location management allows your organization to transmit your Ship-To locations to provider accounts so they can verify whether the locations are managed by the designated recall coordinator during a recall event. NotiSphere will upload your Master Location File during implementation. This data will be updated periodically to ensure any changes in your data are captured.
The locations in the file will be mapped to each of the respective provider organizations within our system.
Once providers verify locations the statuses will be displayed in your location management screen. You can access the locations screen by clicking on Location Management from the left-hand navigation and then clicking “Locations”
There are five location statuses:
Covered Locations are locations managed by the designated recall coordinator at the affected provider organization that are marked as covered. These locations have been designated by the Provider to receive electronic notifications from the Supplier.
Not-Covered Locations are locations that belong to your provider’s account but are not managed by the designated recall coordinator at their affected provider organization. Mail notification must be provided.
NotiSphere Administered Locations are locations where an identified recall email box exists. Suppliers may send electronic notifications and receive electronic responses through NotiSphere.
Invalid Locations are locations that do not belong to your provider’s affected provider organization and have been mapped to their account by mistake.
Pending Locations are locations that have not yet been mapped or reviewed by the provider.
View Provider Location Verification Progress
To see the current Verification status for Provider locations click on the Providers tab under Organization Settings
1 - Providers with NotiSphere accounts will show a verified progress bar along with a count of the number of locations verified as either Covered or NotiSphere Administered
2 - Providers with NotiSphere accounts will show with a green dot. Providers who are not yet NotiSphere accounts will show with a red dot
View Individual Locations
To view individual locations, Click on the Locations tab. Here you will see specifics around each ship-to location loaded as part of the Master Location file load.
Each location will display IDs and address corresponding to the location record from your organization along with the NotiSphere ID where available along with the Verification Status.