The Affected Product Report - Providers

The Affected Product Report - Providers

A number of reports are available within the application to help your team track recall processes. In addition to information that can be viewed on-line, there are several reports that can be downloaded in the either XLS or CSV format.

Affected Products Report

Provides details about the affected products for a particular Recall or Supply Disruption event. Run this report to get insight into
  • What products are affected by a particular recall event?
  • Which lot numbers, or other key product details, are relevant for the event?

Report Fields

  • Supplier Name, Event Name and ID, Open Date
  • Product description
  • Specific product details provided by the Supplier - e.g. lot number, catalog number - which will vary from one event to another

Sample Report

To Run Report

1 - Click on the report download icon at the top of the Recall Details page and select from the options provided