The Delegate Summary Report - Providers

The Delegate Summary Report - Providers

A number of reports are available within the application to help your team track event processes. In addition to information that can be viewed on-line, there are several reports that can be downloaded in the either XLS or CSV format. Below is a summary of the reports that can be downloaded.  

Delegate Summary Report

This is a summary level report providing information about Delegate communication across all events. It helps you answer questions like:
  • Which events have Delegate actions pending?
  • Which Delegates have Responded to a communication related to an event?
  • When did the Delegate Open or Respond to the workflow communication?

Learn more about communicating with your team using Workflow and Delegate Actions.

Available Fields

Provides details across All Events including:
  • Recall Details
  • Site
  • Delegate Email
  • Delegate Distribution List name - if applicable
  • Delegate Response Status (Pending, Opened, Responded)
  • Event Complete - Yes/No
  • Delegate Status Timestamp

Example of the Delegate Summary Report

To Run Report

1 - Select the Recalls tab from the left navigation
2 - Click the Report icon and select Delegate Summary