The Recall Summary Report - Providers

The Recall Summary Report - Providers

A number of reports are available within the application to help your team track recall processes. In addition to information that can be viewed on-line, there are several reports that can be downloaded in the either XLS or CSV format. Below is a summary of the reports that can be downloaded.  

Provider's Recall Summary Report

This is a summary level report providing information across all recalls. It helps you answer questions like:
  • What recalls are still open?
  • How long is it taking for recalls to be completed?
  • How many recalls did my team manage last quarter?
  • Which Sites in my organization are the most impacted?

Available Fields

Provides details across All Recalls including:
  • Details - Supplier, Recall Name, ID, Type, FDA Classification, Categories, and Source
  • Sites
  • Recall Completion Status / Date
  • Recall Action Completion Rate
  • Days Open

To Run the Report

1 - Select the Recalls tab from the left navigation
2 - Click the blue Download Report icon and select Providers Recall Summary, choose either CSV or XLS