Both Suppliers and Providers have the ability to create and use custom Template Actions. This feature enables users to predefine a list of recall actions and use these when creating a recall. This is easy to do and saves time.
Creating Template Actions
1 - Click on Recall Settings --> Template Actions
There you will see a list of template actions that have already been created. The first time, this page will be blank. To add an action:
2 - Enter Description - this will be the action listed for the user to complete.
Enter the Response Type - Check Box, Yes/No, Text, Number etc.
3 - Click Add Action
Then click SAVE
Using Template Actions in a Recall
While creating a recall, these new Action Template options will appear under the drop down when building out Actions.
1 - Select Actions from your Recall (be sure it is in Create or Edit mode)
2 - Select the desired template action from the Description drop down list
The Response Type will default to what was provided during template creation, but this can be edited if desired