Sending Responses to Paper Recalls - eR Responses

Sending Responses to Paper Recalls - eR Responses

The eR Responses functionality enables users to submit responds to Supplier to recalls even if the notification was received as a paper recall. Responding this way to paper recalls enables your organization to maintain a repository of responses within NotiSphere while encouraging Suppliers to join the platform.

Add Responses to Paper Recalls

From the left navigation select eR Responses.
On the upper right, click the "Add" button. This will pop up a card.

Complete the Pop Up Box

Fill out the following required information in the pop up box (see below for information on optional fields)
  1. Supplier Name
  2. Recall Name
  3. Recall Number
  4. Supplier Response Email - this will be the email listed on the recall response form from the Supplier
  5. Response Documents - attach a scanned copy of the completed response form here. Documents attached here ill be sent to the email specified in the Supplier Response Email section.

Additional Fields

There are additional fields that may be used within the pop up if desired.
  • Distributor Name - in addition to the Supplier/Manufacturer, the system enables Responders to track the Distributor of an affected product
  • Affected Product - users can designate whether affected products were destroyed or returned
  • Notification and other Documents - if there are documents a user wishes to include for internal notification purposes, such as copies of the original notification, they may be attached in this secondary attachment area. These documents are NOT sent to the supplier.

Review the Response Email for Supplier

Review the standard email for the supplier
Add a additional comments if desired in the box provided
Click YES to send immediately or click NO to save as a draft

Recall Coordinators and Responders can manage electronic responses from one place

Depending on how your organization has set up roles and sites, responders will only see responses from those within their own sites. Recall Coordinators typically see across the entire organization. NotiSphere has several flexible set up options to ensure your team is working with responses effectively.
I see and error Status for a response. what do I do?