Suppliers - Tracking Recall Event Responses for Not-Covered Locations
Dec 29, 2022
December 29, 2022
Tracking Recall Event Responses for Not-Covered Provider Locations
Tracking the responses from Provider locations is a key function of recall management. With NotiSphere Recall Coordinators can manage the responses from any Provider location regardless of whether they are on the platform or not.
This feature is optional and can be toggled on and off on by the Administrator under the Organization Setting --> General tab
Understand Affected Location Profiles
When the Recall Coordinator loads the affected locations file for an event, the system will identify whether those locations are mapped to a Provider actively on the NotiSphere platform or not.
For Providers actively on NotiSphere – Covered and Emailed status - the Recall Coordinator can expect to receive a response electronically from the Provider through NotiSphere.
For others not yet on NotiSphere – Not Covered status - the Recall Coordinator can log and track responses received to notifications sent via paper ensuring there is one repository of information for the recall event for all affected locations.
The Affected Locations tab will give the Recall Coordinator a clear view of the status for all affected locations.
Logging Responses Manually via the Paper Responses tab
When the Recall Coordinator receives a response from a Provider outside of the NotiSphere system either via regular email, phone or mail – the response can be added to the NotiSphere platform manually using the Paper Responses feature. To access the Paper Responses feature, click Paper Responses when viewing a Recall Event
From this screen you will see a list of any responses that have already been manually entered.
Use the three dots next to any of the listed responses to edit, view or delete the response details.
Click the ADD button to add a new response. Remember that itis only necessary to add responses for Not Covered Provider locations.
Completing the ADD Pop Up Form
Once you click ADD a pop up will appear for you to enter the relevant information.
1 – Choose the Name of the IDN/Provider from the type ahead list – this entity must exist in the Affected Location list
2 – Select the relevant locations – the locations presented will be those associated with the IDN chosen in step 1
3 – enter the date the response was received
4 – Use the drop down to select the manner in which the response was received – paper, email or by phone
5 – Enter the name of the individual providing the response
6 – Log the responses to the Provider Actions given by the respondent
7 – Save the response
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