January 2023 - NotiSphere Notes

January 2023 - NotiSphere Notes

Learn What's New with NotiSphere!

Happy New Year from NotiSphere!

The new year is a time for reflection and a time for new opportunities and growth.   We are excited to share some of our successes from 2022 and share information about what is coming in 2023. Thanks to everyone who contributed to our success to date- we look forward to continued progress and expansion in the coming year.

New Supply Assurance Capabilities Launched!

We are very excited to announce our newest capabilities that broaden the scope of communications that can be within our platform.  We have expanded the communications that are supported in NotiSphere to include Backorders, Shortages and Product Discontinuations.
The Supply Assurance module has been designed with the aim of enhancing communication between suppliers and customers during times of supply interruptions. It helps ensure that supplier internal teams are always aligned and have current information.  With NotiSphere, suppliers can now streamline their communication process while simultaneously increasing customer satisfaction. Here’s what suppliers are saying about the new Supply Assurance Module:
“I want to get the notices out quickly and ensure both my field team and my customers are informed of disruptions and alternates that impact patient care.”
“I’d like to free up my sales reps to focus on high value activities rather than communicating backorders.”
“It’s important for us to monitor that our customers have received the appropriate information from the field team.”
Are you a supplier that experiences issues with notifications taking longer than anticipated? Are communication processes too complex resulting in delays in service or patient care? Contact suzy@notisphere.com to learn to learn more about how NotiSphere can improve your communication processes.

Suppliers using NotiSphere are breaking records!  

W. L. Gore has had great success using NotiSphere to send supply disruption notifications for two recent recalls. The platform's efficiency is exemplified by the fact that for one recall, they received an acknowledgement from a provider in just 28 minutes, setting a record for the fastest response time from a provider. In December, they broke their own record by receiving a response in an impressive 17 minutes!
Only 17 minutes for supplier to receive acknowledgement of receipt from customers.

NotiSphere is Growing Fast!

NotiSphere currently has a user base of over 1,000 individuals from a diverse array of provider practice sites. These providers have expressed a desire for efficient, electronic notifications regarding supply disruptions, which NotiSphere is able to provide. In 2022, the number of users on the platform saw a significant increase, growing more than 300%.
Thank you for being our partner!

Melinda Gardner
Product Management & Operations
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