Editing a Recall

Editing a Recall

While a recall is active, the Recall Coordinator can edit the recall to include additional information, add products, or add locations as is appropriate.
A notification will need to be resent for any active locations to receive the changes.

Material Changes

Material changes to the recall include changes to the FDA classification, additional patient risk, additional documents or products. These changes typically go to all locations impacted by the recall event. To make these changes
1 - Click the "Edit Recall" button

2 - Make changes to Event Details, Description, Add Documents, Add/Change Actions, Add Products
3 - Resend Notification

Location Additions

During the course of managing a recall the Recall Coordinator may determine additional locations are impacted. Read more about how to add locations.

Logging Changes

After any changes are made to an active recall event, the system will prompt the user to log the changes.
It is best practice to keep a log of any changes made to an active recall. The log can be viewed under the Change History tab